Fell from the Fourth Story

Mae Maw is asking for prayer for her adult children nearly every time we meet. This week she had a particularly amazing story of God’s grace.
Taw is Mae Maw’s son who works in Bangkok as a taxi driver. A few days ago, the taxi drivers were arguing over customers and the scene became violent. They had all been drinking and one of the men pulled out a knife and said he was going to kill Taw. Taw jumped out of the fourth story window, hoping to land on a balcony on the third floor, but he instead fell all the way to the ground level.
When he arrived at the hospital they said he had a broken arm and both legs were broken. Taw’s sister called Pa Air and Mae Sai, who are our home church hosts in one of the villages. Pa Air and Mae Sai knew that God could heal broken bones because recently another man who had broken his leg was healed. The hospital staff held the phone up to Taw’s ear while Mae Say prayed for him.
Amazingly, when the doctors wheeled him into the operating room, they discovered neither his arm nor his legs were broken. In fact he went home three days later with just a few stitches!
We went to visit him last night and when we arrived he was sitting on a straw mat with a large cross hanging from his neck. Even though he is in a fair amount of pain, he is alive. We are praying Taw will give his heart to Jesus and we can’t help but believe God must have a purpose for his life.
Mae Maw is the lady to the far right.
Thank you for your love and support! We are so grateful to have the privilege of serving the Lord and His people in Thailand.