Three New Ladies in Laat Naa Phiang
Three new ladies prayed to receive Jesus and were baptized last night. One of the ladies had a dream in which she saw Jesus and began...

Birthdays in Laat Naa Phiang
Birthdays in Laat Naa Phiang

Praying for the Sick in Wang To
Praying for the sick in Wang To

Harvest Time
During this time of year the rice ripens and all other life gets put on hold till the harvest is brought in. Once it is finished there is...

Mae Suey gets baptized
After her daughter had a motorcycle accident, her body was cold and everyone said she had died. But Mae Suey prayed for her on the way to...

In Isaan, people taking their dreams very seriously. Sometimes they are evil and really scare them, but very often, people have spiritual...

Training Day
Leadership training day with these three faithful friends.

Mrs. Pet and her Husband
Mrs. Pet, in the white blouse, is praising God. She gave her life to Jesus. She had so much joy. If only her husband would come to Jesus...

Amazing Day
Amazing day Sunday! Joint meeting with several groups. Several got baptized in water and many more received the Holy Spirit.

He Rescues and Saves
Four generations now know Jesus.